In accordance with Ordinance No. 2015-1033 of 20 August 2015 and Decree No. 2015-1382 of 30 October 2015, any dispute or dispute referred to as a consumer dispute subject to Article L152.2 of the Consumer Code, may be the subject of an amicable settlement by mediation with the CMAP - Centre de Médiation et d'Arbitrage de Paris.
To submit your dispute to the mediator, you can fill in the form on the CMAP website: tab "you are: a consumer" send your request by simple or registered mail to the CMAP Médiation Consommation, 39 avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75008 Paris, or send an email to
Whatever the means used to contact the CMAP, your request must contain the following elements in order to be processed quickly.
Your postal, email and telephone contact details as well as the full name and address of the company Neoresid, a brief statement of the facts, and proof of prior steps taken with the company Neoresid.